Emera – vol. 1 – The prophecy

Di cosa è fatta una storia? Di parole.

Per uno scrittore le parole sono come colori, preparati sapientemente su una tavolozza, pronti ad essere amalgamati, sfumati e mescolati per dar forma a qualcosa di ben più grande di una semplice frase: un’emozione.

Ho sfidato me stessa e con calma, pazienza e buona volontà, ho tradotto il mio primo romanzo in lingua inglese. Attenzione però, se l’avessi semplicemente “tradotto” avrei confezionato una cozzaglia di parole che – balbettante e timida – avrebbe allontanato ogni lettore.

Tradurre un romanzo significa destrutturarlo nelle sue parti più fondamentali per poi ricomporlo, impiegando i diversi colori disponibili in un’altra lingua, con l’obiettivo di suscitare le stesse emozioni dell’originale.

Sono riuscita a pubblicarlo qualche giorno prima di San Valentino 2024 e, da allora, ho ricevuto diverse recensioni davvero positive. Profondamente toccata dalle loro parole, ho pensato di raggruppare alcuni stralci delle loro recensioni in questa pagina. Cliccando sul loro nome ( nome di account su Instagram), verrete collegati direttamente alla loro pagina per poter leggere la versione completa.

E a chi non avesse ancora letto Emera vol. 1 , nè in italiano, nè in inglese, dico solo ” Cosa aspettate?”

The writing style of the author is engaging and evocative. Everything is gelled together and I whizzed through the book. This is a type of book which I can read whenever or wherever I am. Use of lucid language always make a beginner feel comfortable and you will feel comfortable while reading this book.


This book is a testament to Elena Dalla Benetta’s storytelling prowess, blending elements of fantasy, romance, and adventure into a spellbinding narrative that will leave readers eagerly awaiting the next installment.


Fans of fantasy and adventure will be captivated by this gripping tale, which sets the stage for an epic saga filled with mystery, romance, and heart-pounding action. With its intricate world-building and compelling characters, this book promises an enchanting journey that will leave readers eagerly anticipating the next installment in this captivating series.


“…Dalla Benetta’s prose is a symphony of words, weaving a tapestry of imagery that transports readers to realms both familiar and otherworldly. Each sentence is imbued with a lyrical quality that evokes a sense of wonder and enchantment, inviting readers to lose themselves in the story’s spell.”


“The novel’s rich descriptions and heartfelt dialogues create an immersive reading experience, where the readers feel like they are experiencing the joys and sorrows of the characters firsthand. The story takes you on a rollercoaster ride filled with twist and turns which you definitely won’t be able to predict.. The language used is rich and lucid, easy for the readers to understand.”


“Readers will find themselves utterly immersed in a world where magic is real, and anything is possible.👉The second half of the novel, in particular, shines with a brilliance that is truly awe-inspiring. 🌟 As the stakes are raised and the tension mounts, readers will find themselves swept away on a rollercoaster of emotion, unable to tear themselves away until the very end.”


“But beyond its fantastical elements, “Emera – Vol. 1 – The Prophecy” is a story with heart. At its core, it is a tale of courage, sacrifice, and the enduring power of love to overcome even the greatest of challenges. In conclusion, “Emera – Vol. 1 – The Prophecy” is a breathtaking journey through time and space, filled with romance, adventure, and intrigue. With its compelling characters, evocative prose, and timeless themes, it is a must-read for fans of fantasy and romance alike.


“🖤Enthralling narrative with an occasionally lyrical expression of thoughts. There were numerous aspects of the novels that made me genuinely respect and appreciate the scenarios, even though I enjoyed the tale. The love story is explored in addition to the action. Characters having a range of personalities that are strongly written.”


“What sets “Emera” apart is its ability to blend the fantastical with the deeply personal, exploring themes of destiny, power, and the search for one’s true purpose. The narrative thrives on its rich character development and the intricate world-building that serves as a canvas for this epic tale. Dalla Benetta’s prose is both lush and precise, capturing the essence of each moment and character with a clarity that immerses readers fully into the world of “Emera.”


“Wow! This book is truly hard to explain without giving away any spoilers. The author has done a tremendous job in putting interesting personalities to the characters, propelling storyline and an equally enthralling plot with an occasionally lyrical expression of thoughts. Although I liked the story, there were many parts of the novels that made me truly love and appreciate the situations.”


Once again, I am grateful to all of you! Your support motivates me to keep going!


Author: Elena DB

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